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Autorenbild: Jacqui GarciaJacqui Garcia

The perfect gift for Valentine's Day - your own customized leather jacket with a love message!

Access and Entrepreneur Cara Santana showing her love to husband actor Jesse Metcalfe

You are still looking for a unique gift for the day of love and you want to find something more special than flowers, gifts and kisses to proof your love?

How about designing your own personal Valentine's Day present! Hop onto the online configurator and give away something special.

#JNbabe Mariana in her personalizes piece "LOVE BYOND WORDS" - We love this!

On Valentine's Day everyone is waiting for a great romantic gesture. Often, however, it is a day when disappointment is typically directly linked to expectation. We are disappointed because we expect too much; We are disappointed because we do not know what to expect.

There are chocolate hearts, the Champangner bottle, which is a bit more expensive than usual, the romantic dinner to become the most romantic and beautiful night of your life.

But where does the day come from, if it is not an invention of the flower industry, as many critics say?

It is linked back to the Romanic world of the gods: in ancient Rome, the goddess Juno was remembered on February 14, and was considered a protector of marriage and family. The women got flowers for free. This worship then passed to Valentine's Day.

In the late Middle Ages, especially in many cities in central Italy, it was customary for young couples to be "destined for each other" on February 14th. Accordingly, gifts were exchanged on Valentine's Day and the couple remained engaged for a year before being allowed to get married.

The most personal Valentines Day gift you have ever had.

Love means something different for everyone. But to show best how much your partner means to you, you have the opportunity to say it with a statement! On an exclusive designer leather jacket by JN LLOVET, its possible to say out loud "I'm here to stay!" While wearing it, you are reminded again and again, for whom you have made this special piece and why!

Create your personal piece:

Get inspired:

More can be seen on our Instagram: @jnbyjnllovet

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