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Spring time is leather jacket time

Autorenbild: Jacqui GarciaJacqui Garcia

Spring time is leather jacket time. After 3-5 month of wearing big jackets that keep you warm during the winter season spring is the time to get out your long missed favorite garment again - your biker jacket.

Beautiful soft leather jacket, embellished with exclusive studs.

When spring arrives, the whole world seams to wake up again. Flowers start to blossom again, the trees are wearing their colorful leaves and the birds wake from their winter beauty sleep and greet us with their gorgeous singing every morning.

Black biker jacket, personalized with white stars. Created with our online configurator.

Its also the time of year where everyone is becoming more active again and start leaving the house for frequently. The soft sunlight is pulling us outside to enjoy ourselves and life a little more outside the house. We can leave the big winter jackets at home and start wearing our all day classic leather jacket combined to every possible outfit. Casual as a warm day outfit together with boots, t-shirt and black jeans. Or as a more classy evening outfit combined with a fluffy dress and ankle boots.

And there is one thing about leather jackets - You can simply never have enough of these iconic pieces. They are an absolut must have for everyone. No matter if you are interested in fashion or if you don't really care, this piece will make you look gorgeous no matter what.

The possible most worn garment ever.

The coolest thing with JN LLOVET is that you can get a custom leather jacket that will make you look differently everyone else. It will make you feel special and unique. It will be your personal jacket, according to your wishes. You have the 2 possibilities to create your unique jacket. First one is with the help of our online configurator to get a personalized piece, spiced up with cool appliqués or you can book a private design appointment to design your signature jacket from scratch.

Create your personal piece:

Get inspired:

More can be seen on our Instagram: @jnbyjnllovet

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